Sunday 31 October 2010

Olga - Started from Lovffee

Movie clips of an Ecard in Valentine's Day, thanks Uzziah, SiuMing and Maggie.

1st picuture created for Olga dated back to the ecard of Farm,
a design company found by 3 partners and me after the 10CanDesignShow.
Olga was a happy girl who cares the surrounding people.

Olga is changing during these years, get rid of multimedia and pink firstly.
Can you find other differences?


  1. hey . so lovely!!!'you shud really try more animation work:P

  2. Huh...nice to draw storyboard and do art direction.
    But, headache when making the animation and sound effect...

    Thanks to my friend who is expertise of Flash, and made it works.
