Sunday 22 August 2010

Learn to live & live to learn

重讀中學時的週記,感激自己擁有過充實又快樂的校園生活。儘管每一天都在忙碌中度過,也經歷了多次入醫院吊鹽水的機會 :P
以前看我週記的老師,現在也成為了的對方的好朋友。聽過你們的教育理念,我們的眼都紅起來。師弟師妹們,我們好幸福~ 你們慢慢成長的時候便會到體驗和感受到。
今日再次與我的大學教授相遇,跟他說了一些想法,他很感動,他說那便是School of Design的
教育念。我希望有信心和能力成為一個好的設計師(好跟出名無關),無論final outcome是一個廣告、一本書、一幅插畫,還是一個活動。
活動過後,design outcome可能再次是簡單的插畫,或是過百萬的廣告。對我來說,‘why to say’對我這個designer來說是比較重要,之後便是'what to say'及'how to say' :)

I'm glad that I had a fruitful and enjoyable school life, although I was busy and exhausted everyday.
I built up a friendships with my teachers, who have read my diary at school.
I was impressed by their theory of education. All of us will experience and realize it when we are growing, and will appreciate it. My professor was impressed when I shared my idea with him. He said that's the objective of School of Design. I hope I'd be a good designer (not necessary a famous one), no matter my final outcome will be an
advertisement, a book, an illustration, or an arts event.
It is difficult for me to explain to everyone, cos' our background and interpretation is different.
There is not only one way to reach our destination.
In my point of view, 'why to say' is the most important, and followed by 'what to say' and 'how to say'.

Please support and give me confidence...


  1. Jasmine, I want to know your idea~
    I know you can realize if you want!
    Lets practice why/what/how to say.
    Express with good skill..
    we are always support u, just like you support me!

  2. Thanks Eva, always support you.
    I shared with you already~ ^^

    We'd do anything attractive, but it should be contented and helpful to deliver message/solution to audience and us.

  3. Oic Jasmine,
    yup, design is for communication.
    we have many channels to deliver mgs.
    I am explore myself now....
    be passion & confidence.

  4. Big hug to you, Eva~

    You did excellent works and I really like your plate. Keep it up and I look forward to your fashion idea.

    ps. Let me give a rainbow, tree, pigeon, wire, fresh air...and bird's song to you!! Haha, feel it with 5 senses although deadline is coming :p

  5. wow, that's great! The society now really needs people with aspiration. Good luck!

  6. Thanks very much, 探子.
    I am still learning and hopefully I can cope with the difficulties.
